Today is Day 10 and the last time I published a post was Day 5. Why?
Because Life.
And because no matter how I see myself as a risk-assessing, productivity-pushing, efficiency-driving Type A Realist, at heart I am a dreamer. I think this is part of the reason why I start these kinds of "projects" and "hobbies" and fail to finish them - because I always think I will have more time & energy in my day. Because my life's motto is "Meh, how hard can it be?"That, and all it takes is one puppy-dog eyed look from My Person to stay on the couch and watch another episode, or nap a little longer. #Priorities
So, this dreamer is going to try to compromise terrible personal time allocation with some kind of passion: I am going to continue to receive the Write500 Daily Prompts, but I'm going to choose posts here and there (time and energy allowing). It's not really cheating because this isn't really school. Perhaps I'll also feel inspired sometimes to just write - no prompted topic, just me.
Let's see how this goes, shall we?
[word count: 195]
Totally get it. I look forward to reading when you have the time and energy to write! x